Thursday, September 15, 2016

The video "Niels Diffrient: Rethinking the way we sit down" shows a speech given by Niels Diffrient. In this speech, he starts of with telling us what his interests were as a child, which was airplanes. He then goes on to talk about how he wanted to get into a career with airplanes, but over time he switched his interests and career goals dramatically. He then goes on to say that he designed a chair. At first when he said this, I was confused at first. I thought "how did he go from wanting to work with airplanes to designing a chair? That is a weird jump". He then sits in the chair he designed and tells us how it balances your weight so you can properly recline without making any adjustments. Something that I have never seen before was the adjustable arms of the chair. Another interesting thing is was the chairs head rest. As you recline, the chairs head rest moves forward and stays upright to put less pressure on your neck. This chair would definitely help people who's jobs require them to sit for numerous hours.

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